
  • Type ssh username@gardner.cri.uchicago.edu
  • Type in your password when prompted
  • Type yes if you are prompted to accept a key

Note: A shortcut to login your tarbell account, please follow the following instruction: How-to-set-up-SSH-keys-and-configure-custom-connection-options-for-your-SSH-Client

Accessing lab-share resources

Please follow the instructions to access /gpfs/data/im-lab/ from the University of Chicago’s Network:

  • Open Finder
  • Go to menu option Go -> Connect to Server
  • Type smb://bulkstorage.uchicago.edu/im-lab
  • Enter your BSD username and password. Make sure to prefix your username with ADLOCAL\ if from off-campus

Storing your data

Home directory/Quota: /home/<userID> (10G) - use for temporary personal files such scripts to execute analysis, source code, etc. Data stored here is not backed up. Move important data to lab share.

Fast Scratch Space: Temporary storage. /scratch/im-lab directory on the HPC is used to stage input that is used in analysis jobs as well as temp files from job execution. Scratch data older than 14 days is automatically purged and outputs should be copied out to your lab share if you intend to keep job output.

Lab-Share: /group/im-lab Long term storage. Use to store lab data or persistent job outputs. Copy data you intend to keep out of scratch into this space. Do not run jobs out of here. It is not optimized for job execution. Please perform regular maintenance on the lab share by removing unneeded data. If you no longer needs access to the Lab Share, please fill the revoke resource access form

The /scratch area is used like any other area on the filesystem. It differs by lab shares in the following ways:

  • Lab shares (/group/im-lab) are stored on an Isilon cluster and the data is backed up to tape on a daily schedule.
  • Lab shares have a cost associated if you provision a certain amount of space.
  • Lab shares are more of a general purpose filesystem which is not tuned to specifically handle HPC workflows.
  • There is no quota on /scratch or cost associated with it.
  • The data on /scratch is not backed up and should only be stored there on a temporary basis.
  • Scratch is tuned to handle large files, but will perform poorly if you have a lot of small files.

How I would use scratch space is that I would stage large files there before running my jobs through the scheduler and I would also set up a working directory there while the job is executing.

Please contact storage@rt.cri.uchicago.edu to get your own scratch area in tarbell.

Common module commands

  • module avail
  • module list
  • module load python/2.7.9 (first load module load gcc/7.3.0)
  • module spider python (to search all modules)
  • module clear

Create job submission script

  • emacs run_metaXcan.pbs
## Resource Manager Directives ##
### Set the name of the job
#PBS -N job_0_5_1
### Select the shell you would like to script to execute within.
#PBS -S /bin/bash
### walltime=HH:MM:SS
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
### Inform the scheduler of the number of CPU cores for your job.
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
### Inform the scheduler of the amount of memory you expect 
#PBS -l mem=4gb
### Set the destination for your program's output: stdout and stderr. 
#PBS -o logs_0_5/${PBS_JOBNAME}.o${PBS_JOBID}.log
#PBS -e logs_0_5/${PBS_JOBNAME}.e${PBS_JOBID}.err

## Job Execution ##
# The program to be executed 

./MetaXcan.py \
--beta_folder intermediate/beta \
--weight_db_path data/DGN-WB_0.5.db \
--covariance intermediate/cov/covariance.txt.gz \
--gwas_folder data/GWAS \
--gwas_file_pattern ".*gz" \
--compressed \
--beta_column BETA \
--pvalue_column P \
--output_file results/test.csv

Submit jobs

  • qsub run_metaXcan.pbs

Monitor job status

  • qstat
  • showq

Interrupt running jobs after submission

  • qdel job_id
  • qdel all

Batch job submissions

  • Prepare batch job submission scripts as follows:
     qsub run_metaXcan2.pbs
     sleep 2 
     qsub run_metaXcan2.pbs
  • Then run sh submit_jobs.sh

Running interactive jobs

  • To run an interactive shell, issue: qsub -I

Running R

To run R in cri you need to load the following

module load gcc/6.2.0  
module load R/4.0.3
For more detail, please read A detailed user guide on how to use our new cluster

CRI Support contact

Should you have any problems, please submit a support ticket

Or please contact our customer service line at (773) 834-8475 or at support@rt.cri.uchicago.edu.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT.

Suggest changes

If you find any mistakes (including typos) or want to suggest changes, please feel free to edit the source file of this page on Github and create a pull request.