This is the readme of the codes here.
This module extract HapMap 3 SNPs for downstream use. Download data from https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/genotypes/hapmap3_r3/plink_format/
The workflow is based on snakemake
and it contains the following steps:
- Extract SNP information from PED file (
rule get_bim_file
) - Extract individuals from the desired population (
rule extract_individuals
) - Compute MAF among the extracted individuals from step 2 (
rule compute_maf
) - Filter the SNPs based on the MAF calculated in step 3 (
rule filter_by_maf
) - Filter out ambiguous SNPs. Also, the non-SNV SNPs or SNPs without rsID or SNPs outside chr1-chr22 are filtered out (
rule filter_by_ambiguity
) - Annotate the extracted SNPs (from step 5) with genomic position and MAF. If specified, also do liftover (
rule gen_lookup_table
If one wants to do liftover, then chain_file
should be specified.
The target_build
should always be specified and it will be added as an column to the final output.
Please make sure that it is correct.
For HapMap 3 SNPs considered here, the original build is b36 and if using liftover, one should assign chain_file
with the final build after liftover.
For instance, if use chain file hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz
, one should set chain_file
to hg19 or b37.
Note that liftover will result loss of SNPs since some SNPs may fail to be liftover.
For instance, in the example run:
- MAF = 0.01: For b36 -> b37, the number of SNPs goes from 1108410 to 1108189
- MAF = 0.05: For b36 -> b37, the number of SNPs goes from 1007394 to 1007190
- python3: see imlabtools conda env at here
- plink1.9
- snakemake
- Clone the repo: https://github.com/liangyy/misc-tools
Example run on CEU
Also, see run_example/
for the full details.
# build b36
## maf = 0.01
snakemake -s hapmap.snmk --configfile config.hapmap3_eur.yaml -p --config maf=0.01 target_build=b36
## maf = 0.05
snakemake -s hapmap.snmk --configfile config.hapmap3_eur.yaml -p --config maf=0.05 target_build=b36
# build b37
## maf = 0.01
snakemake -s hapmap.snmk --configfile config.hapmap3_eur.yaml -p --config maf=0.01 target_build=b37 chain_file=[path-to/hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz]
## maf = 0.05
snakemake -s hapmap.snmk --configfile config.hapmap3_eur.yaml -p --config maf=0.05 target_build=b37 chain_file=[path-to/hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz]
The resulting files of the test run are here:
how to download the hapmap files
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/genotypes/hapmap3_r3/plink_format/00README.txt wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/genotypes/hapmap3_r3/plink_format/hapmap3_r3_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly.map.gz wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/genotypes/hapmap3_r3/plink_format/hapmap3_r3_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly.ped.gz wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/genotypes/hapmap3_r3/plink_format/hapmap3_r3_b36_fwd.qc.poly.tar.gz
** see copy of the files in https://uchicago.box.com/s/tccjhavco9cifwddyy2bmd0qtiwk0mp2