We have access to dataset JGAS000114 from the Biobank Japan Project. This includes:

  • genotype data for 182,505 individuals (csv.gz)
  • WGS (hg19) for 1,026 individuals (fastq, bam, vcf)
  • reference panel (hg19) from BBJ and 1KGP WGS data (vcf.gz)
  • phenotype data for 58 quantitative traits from 162,255 individuals (txt.gz)

See list of phenotypes and more details here


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Sabrina Mi (2021). Japan Biobank Data Summary. ImLab Notes. /post/2021/08/12/japan-biobank-data-summary/

BibTeX citation

  title = "Japan Biobank Data Summary",
  author = "Sabrina Mi",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "ImLab Notes",
  note = "/post/2021/08/12/japan-biobank-data-summary/"